Bedside View

Bedside View
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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tupperware - Argh!

Tupperware party – I hear the words and I run a mile. Not another night of listening to useless information about overpriced plastic containers and contraptions. Not to mention feeling inadequate as I scan the catalogue for something under thirty dollars – oh look a spatula. Meanwhile Auntie Lyn next to me has spent her one hundred and fifty dollars to get the host up to her gift quota. Help!

I must attract party planners because I have been to several over the years. Chef’s Toolbox (another spatula,) ENJO (everyone need s $50 cloth – not!) The Body Shop (at least I got a foot pamper) and the trusty Tupperware party (got about six melon ballers and three egg separators I never use.) Thankfully, I’ve avoided others like Learning Ladders, Bevilles Jewellery, Scrap’n Stuff Scrapbooking, Sketch Kids Clothes and Intimo to name a bunch. Hubby had a meeting or I was definitely away that weekend – nudge, nudge, wink wink.

There is an unspoken rule that if you go to one of these home party-plan events that you make a purchase. Some demonstrators even come up and ask you what you are ordering. I wouldn’t dream of siphoning money from my friends’ purses. I’d prefer to have them over to eat, drink and share stories not pass $30 lunchboxes around. But that’s just me.

Perhaps I’m beyond the orderliness of Tupperware, have an aversion to plastic ware, or I simply don’t have time for small ‘polymer’ talk. I can’t think of anything less riveting than a Tupperware night. Especially when your bogan demonstrator dishes out the same insipid comments and tired jokes. Do I really need to know about how a freezer works and how to cram five hundred grams of mince into a plastic tub? It’s meant to be my night off.

I’m like the annoying kid in the class with snide comments and loud whispering just to get me through to catalogue crunch-time. Then I spot something I think would be useful and it’s about forty dollars over budget, or sorry we don’t have one of those, it’s out of season. It’s plastic for Pete’s sake!

I have very good friends that swear by the world of party planning and it has launched them back into the workforce, boosted their confidence and opened up new opportunities. I commend them for this but it doesn’t mean I support the sneaky marketing schemes of the big businesses behind them. Spend over fifty dollars and you get a free product, but the product you want is five cents short of that of course. Book two more parties to secure your host (the one who has fed and wined you) a gift that they deserve. A lifetime guarantee (with clauses.) They even have a party plan portal where you can get advice on how to lure in the masses.

I did my bit for conserving the environment and minimizing cling wrap. I purchased a Bake to Basics thirty-four dollar and forty five cent square container. Good for cupcakes and slices it says. Aunty Lyn was happy with her rice cooker and Fridge Smart set. 

I know that I could talk the talk and insert jokes to the script just like a Tupperware demonstrator, but I also know how insincere it would be of me. I’ll just stick to being a Tupperware cynic with my fellow ‘what’s wrong with Décor?’ critics. That’s for you Mrs H.

Have you seen this great new ‘must have’ range? Trust Suckerware…oops Tupperware.


*Plastics are polymers, and are composed primarily of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

1 comment:

  1. You are a legend Mrs C. You forgot the comment the bogen made: "I'm a bourbon girl meeself" to which you replied:"no shit" That summed it up for me!
