Bedside View

Bedside View
1,881 Pages to go!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear S.A.M

Dear S.A.M,  (I didn’t know your initials are an acronym for my name.)

Today is your birthday. It’s a day for pure lavishing and non-stop love and attention. Good food, fine wine (including 37 year old port) and great company. You deserve it all!

Tonight’s blog is dedicated to you on this last day of August. There are many events and memories that mark this special day. Some are great memories and some are not.

Jack the Ripper’s first victim was found on 31st August.
Lady Diana also parted ways and forever mortalised this date.

There has also been hope at the end of one August with Trinidad and Tobago becoming independent. Poland also recognizes this day as one of solidarity and freedom for their country.  On the other side of the globe, Robert Menzies founded The Australian Liberal Party on no other date but 31st August.

On a more personal level, can you remember the 31st of August 1997, when we placed Gussie (our Old English Sheepdog pup) on your bedroom floor? She was a ball of bounding black and white fluff, with a lolloping pink tongue and eyelashes even Lady Gaga would envy.

I can be forgiven if the details are a little hazy, but thirty-two years ago you were also born on this last day of winter. I was already blessed with an older sister and suddenly I had a little sister to cherish as well. I remember you being bathed in your green bucket outside on the bricks, and being plonked in your empty Fosters beer box – nothing like being the fifth child!

Life was great. Life was simple. A Buffalo Bill ice-cream after riding bikes at the cricket oval, a packet of Fruit Tingles at the tennis club, wearing skirts as dresses, an afternoon at D & J’s with the plastic coits and crystal powder-puff bowl and later on our concerts …“Portable beep houses…”

It still makes me laugh and a few decades later you have turned out o.k. In fact, better than o.k! You are generous of spirit and quick of wit. Not to mention thoughtful, slightly stubborn (but always forgiving). You’ve got spunk and style and you’re very street-wise. Simply put – you’re gorgeous!

Presents are just that – presents! A letter on the other hand is something for you to cherish and think about. Why did she write it? What does she mean? Was it just a blog –blank night? Is she pissed? You decide...

Many Happy Returns S.A.M!

S.C.P x

P.S She wrote it because it’s your birthday and loves you very much. She knew she was going to write you a blog letter (just not the content) and, “no,” a thimble-full of port has not put her into a drunken emotional stupor!

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