“There is a crack in everything…that’s how the light gets in”
Every weekday, I tap out some sort of thoughts in my blog. Often I have a book to chat about or a quirky idea about reading. Perhaps even some of my creative writing. But sometimes inspiration comes from the simplest of sources, such as an article in Woman’s Day magazine.
Yes, I am really showing my Desperate Housewife true colours here. I sat in the hairdressers (I haven’t been since May,) and self-indulgently whinged about my sudden sprouting of grey hairs. All my hairdresser (who is nearer to 40 than I am,) could say was “wait till you get them in other places!”
That said, I grabbed my magazine while my W3 coded hair dye sent those stray greys into oblivion. It was a bit of a sobering 20 minutes. Firstly, I read an article about a Viennese women kidnapped when she was 8 and held captive in a dungeon for 10 years. She was beaten senselessly for picking up the wrong tool or crying too much. How could anyone ever recover?
Then I stumbled on this article about Kristian Anderson. He is an ordinary Aussie facing a dreadful battle with bowel and liver cancer. What does this guy do for his wife’s 35th birthday? He creates a video with written cardboard prompt cards and the help of his two sons and puts together a lasting sequence of messages for his wife: “I’ll keep my mouth shut and speak with my heart.” “From, then until now I have loved you.” “You’re beautiful.”
Then I went to his blog (and so should you.)
Scroll down and watch his 4-minute video – a beautiful display of his love with mainly words.
“As long as I live, my heart will belong to you, no matter what comes our way.”
Need I say more?
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