Bedside View

Bedside View
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Business of Poo - Book Review

What is our fascination with poo? Shit, droppings, crap, bowel movement, turd, stool, or bog. So many names that all equate to the same thing – the end product of our food.

Human feces revolts most of us and we have all sorts of sprays, fancy toilet brushes and ergonomic bowl designs to eliminate any contact whatsoever with it. Animals on the other hand leave their droppings out in the open for us all to see, step in, or perhaps use in our gardens.

Chicken poo, cow manure and horse poo are great for kick starting our veggie patches and citrus trees because of their organic matter. Animal dung is used in farming and residential gardens to enhance soil structure and its ability to hold extra nutrients and water. It’s cheap and it’s environmentally friendly to use it.

I saw two little girls selling bags of horse poo by the side of the road. What happened to lemons and home-baked biscuits? The site of the bagged poo made me think of a picture book story, The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was None of his Business, by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch

If you usually cringe at poo comments or jokes, this book is not for you. It is about a mole that is defecated on by another animal and his quest to identify the culprit.

The reader learns about the shape and size of various animals dropping and even gets an insight into sounds of the different poo: “splish, pish” and “flump,plump” and “rat-a-tat-tat” and finally “pling.”

It goes against my parent’s ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ warning with its ending, but it takes children on a journey with clever descriptions and makes them laugh about something that is a natural part of every day.

If you’ve got a boy – he’d love it. My kids affectionately refer to it as the Mole Poo Poo Book.

I was heartless and didn’t have time to stop for a bag of the girls’ horse poo (plus I was worried about the fumes and mess in my car.) I did however return the next day and take a picture of their beautiful handmade sign.

Horse Poo for sale $2 – a bargain for any garden!

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