Bedside View

Bedside View
1,881 Pages to go!

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Not What You Know!

That old adage ‘It’s not what you know – it’s who you know, always gets me. Damn! No contacts with any A-List Footballers so I missed the ‘blue carpet’ and there goes my Grand Final box seats tomorrow. I don’t have any friends who can give me ‘mates rates’ at Cadburys. No doctors in the family – plenty of nurses but they can’t write the script. I don’t even have any neighbours with chooks to supply our weekly bacon and eggs breaky. I could have been a famous writer…if I had more than seven followers on my Blog. Not to mention a great publicist for a self published author (hint, hint). Alas, I have a ‘saving ‘Saint’ up my sleeve. She’s no Reiwoldt but she is our Moonie.

It’s fete time and Moonie is at the helm of ‘Trash & Treasure’ (T & T.)* Officially, it’s in two weeks time, but if you have a V.I.P pass like me, little bits and bobs come your way for the month prior when Moonie opens up her account and starts sifting through discarded hobbies and memories.

Someone’s knitting bag, another’s exercise bike, an old suitcase from that special holiday or priceless homemade Christmas gumnut decoration that ‘they could never throw out!’

My hub has a conniption when he sees another package on the end of Moonie’s kitchen table bound for our ‘spare room.’

“Seriously Moonie, don’t show her anything – she’s a serial hoarder.” Lucky he wasn’t around when I was 10 and proudly chose a manual carpet sweeper and Ab-cruncher. I needed a six-pack back then?

Dad described his first lunch lovingly made by Dot** when he was courting Moonie. It was a delicate arrangement of lettuce leaves, wrapped layer upon layer like a Babushka doll and as he peeled the final leaf back, an innocent cold spud awaited. That’s just like my bundle of ‘T & T’ surprises.

Tonight’s cache: A proper corduroy lined Smoker’s Jacket for my costume cupboard (You never know when you have to dress as Hugh Heffner or Henry Higgins;) Some gardening gloves still in their packaging (clearly not a Green Thumb;) A collection of 1950’s Women’s Weekly’s (EBay challenge to make $1300 so I can get my way with charcoal carpet); An old chair to paint and reupholster for my daughter and an old fashion cake tin just because I love all things 'old'.

For the footy final, I may be with the rest of the plebs at ‘whoever has the biggest TV’s house, but my costume cupboard now rivals Lombards. My thorniest roses will be conquered and an old chair will be sat in again - a cake may even be baked. And because of my ‘T & T’ contacts I may yet see our lounge carpeted in charcoal carpet!

If you want to use this opportunity to help me promote your book – it’s not what you know it’s who you know. Just you wait “'Enry Higgins – just you wait!”

*Trash & Treasure is a second hand ‘White Elephant' sale consisting of all pre-loved household goods

** Dot was my dear Grandmother – I miss her Bitter lemon cordial (but of course still have the colourful aluminium cups she served it in. You never know when they may come in handy…)

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